Monday, July 29, 2013

Five reasons why BURPEES are awesome—and why they should be your new favorite exercise:

  1. They burn mega calories
  2. They make you stronger
  3. They're great for conditioning
  4. They're portable and require no equipment
  5. You can add them to almost any workout

July 22, 2013

Ah...the wonderful PLANK! 
Find this position, either on hands, or elbows and hold to maximum length of time.

Top 5 Benefits of doing Planks
  1. Works your upper abs, your lower abs, your oblique’s, and your lower back (do standard and side planks to work your entire abs).
  2. Builds the stabilizer muscles to prevent injury.
  3. Builds strength for push-ups.
  4. Promotes good posture and helps prevent back injuries.
  5. Teaches your abs to stay contracted in a regular standing position.
Planks can be done anywhere without any special equipment. Challenge yourself by adding a little something else:

A Ball Plank.
Good work Xanthe!

A VERY challenging Plank (using 3 medicine balls)
Keep that core tight, Cathy!